Destroying hindu scriptures phrase by phrase
The agenda of western 'values' (euphemism for racist assumptions and disrespect for living oral traditions) was enforced for over 150 years on almost all the sacred Hindu texts to misinterpret, reinterpret and denigrate the native culture from inside in favour of "English education".
Western Educators Today
It is important to note that western educators today in keeping with their tradition, call everyone who disagrees with their view as "Hindu nationalists". Over 150 years they have succeeded in distorting and destroying the sutras phrase by phrase. How could they have done this? It is simply by having no regard other people's eternal exploration of God. If ancient libraries were destroyed by fire through violent madmen, these modern men have chosen to destroy it by the nasty fire of misintrepretation sutra by sutra and book by book. It is important to note that most of these educators are poorly educated in sanskrit, have very little inner understanding of India or its many cultures, have unknowingly adopted colonialist and myopic views of her history promoting inbuilt agendas of yesteryears, and often have NO oral training in any of the classics to form coherent inner meanings of the classics. In their haste to make a living due to their educational systems, they don't study the vast world of the classics and their commentaries other than what is sufficient for their salary. So for most of them it is not a quest for understanding, but a childish form of entertainment towards a living. Through them you attain no inner understanding but a childlike incoherent entertainment. So those who seek meaning in their life, please keep your minds safe from their destructive fires. Oftentimes, within a single class, they can destroy whole passages and along with it your comprehension. What a complete waste of time and life!
Geopolitics, sanskritists and the natives
First off, lets start off with the sanskritists - who are these people? Why do they portray themselves as colonial masters and civilizers?
Geopolitics and Sanskrit Phobia
this scholarly paper was presented at an International conference in Bangkok. I will pull out some points for beginning students of sanskrit or 'hindu mythology' in a seperate post.
For those of you who like to seek the pleasure of meaning and not juvenile caricature, I will post thoughts from great Western and Eastern men alike, who have enjoyed them and been fulfilled in the next few posts.
The conversion of Facts to Fiction aka. White Christian Supremacist Theories
The conversion of facts to fiction was to soothe Western egos in the past, to initially justify the plundering of India by postulating an inferior race theory; at a later stage, to extract all her cultural wealth and appropriate and misuse it without even a mere acknowledgement so the intellectual egoes can make their money; and the current trend of West building a "self-made" personae when their industrial revolution was suckled on India's wealth and blood, and their many cultural refinements in thought attributed to ancient Indian thought... The recent trend is worthy of elaboration as it very amusing to observe. The western 'intellectual' postures with a smiling face and conducts a socio-political-literary dialogue of attack on India while non-reciprocating natives are slighted to 'show' the 'degeneration' of their culture and the 'broken links' they have come to discover. These 'unbiased' academicians as you can imagine will ignore anything more subtle than romance and the living traditions preferring to be in search of the dead carcasses of text they wont understand and will dissect in their departments for profit. If you have the occasion to meet these insensitive, arrogant 'unbiased academicians', just let them be for they like it that way. It is their only salve.